ron paul
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Ron Paul , a libertarian from Texas , is only too happy to challenge party dogmas , such as reflexive support of Israel .
When Ron Paul , a US libertarian politician and veteran critic of the Federal Reserve , disclosed recently that his top 10 equity holdings were all gold and silver mining stocks , the news reverberated around the blogosphere .
Congressman Ron Paul argued that a free market economy should set interest rates , not the central bank .
Paul appears determined to carry on much of his father Ron Paul 's libertarian legacy .
So Ron Paul supports Michael Steele 's comments about the Afghan war .
Just like the Watchmen character , Ron Paul is consistent about his beliefs and wary of those in power .
The two who are themselves members of the House Michele Bachmann and Ron Paul voted against it .
Fed auditing was a key issue for Ron Paul , the former Republican presidential candidate and Rand Paul 's father .
Duewel says Ron Paul represents libertarian ideals of small government and non-intervention in foreign affairs that appeal to many young people .
Ron Paul , an outside Republican contender , has been lambasting the Federal Reserve for years over its easy money policies .
Congressman Ron Paul , who s all US involvement abroad , including foreign aid , called for a withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan .
The isolationism of Ron Paul in the Republican presidential primaries amplifies a tune heard pretty much everywhere around the world .
Glenn Beck , Alex Jones , and Ron Paul have huge combined audiences , but these are individual rather than institutional investors .
Texas Congressman Ron Paul is in fourth place with 11 percent , and the remaining four Republican contenders trail in single digits .
• received political support from Congressman Ron Paul , Senator Bernie Sanders , and former Senator Russ Feingold .
For more than 20 years , Ron Paul , the Texan Republican , has been trying to pass a bill that would audit the Fed 's monetary policy decisions .
According to the Gold and Silver Blog , Ron Paul has taken steps to protect himself from the disastrous effects that Federal Reserve policies will ultimately have on the value of the US currency .
He placed a distant third in the Iowa straw poll behind a fellow-Minnesotan , Representative Michele Bachmann , and Congressman Ron Paul of Texas .
U.S. Representative Ron Paul came in second with 27 percent and ex-Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney , considered the Republican frontrunner , finished a distant third with 17 percent .
The move shows how five years of easy monetary policy and the efforts of Congressman Ron Paul have made the once fringe idea of returning to gold-as-money a part of GOP debate .
Also in the Republican race is Texas Congressman Ron Paul , who has had to reduce his presidential campaigning in recent days in order to concentrate on defending his congressional seat back home .
Ron Paul , a libertarian congressman from Texas who normally inspires a few cheers , harrumphed quixotically about the cost of keeping American soldiers cool in Iraq .
Mitt Romney , whom Mr Gingrich has relentlessly derided as " a moderate from Massachusetts , " did not attend ; nor did the libertarian Ron Paul .
At the Ames straw poll in the Iowa heartland last month , Ron Paul , a Republican presidential candidate , was cheered to the rafters when he called for the troops to come home .
Nevertheless , the Republican leadership seems to have rethought the value of an end the Fed crusade by Ron Paul , an outspoken critic of US foreign and monetary policy , now that they have won the House of Representatives .
Introducing the current crop of GOP candidates Mitt Romney , Rick Santorum , Ron Paul and Newt Gingrich as comic book characters ( featuring appearances from Iron Man , the Hulk and the Green Goblin ) .
The libertarian movement in the US , whose standard-bearer is Ron Paul , is clear about the answer : abolish nearly all of these policy innovations and go back , as far as possible , to the capitalism of the late 19th century .
Five other contenders took part in the debate including former Minnesota governor Tim Pawlenty , former U.S. House speaker Newt Gingrich , former Pennsylvania senator Rick Santorum , Texas Congressman Ron Paul and Georgia businessman Herman Cain .
Well , you know , if you , there 's another comment that 's kind of interesting , and that 's Representative Ron Paul who makes the point , he says , look , Steele has raised a lot of money , the Republicans are doing well .
There is also Dr. Ron Paul , a physician and congressman from a South Texas district , who failed to even come close to winning the Republican nomination this year , but still holds sway over millions of supporters , many of them younger than 30 .